Banish graffiti remover from Walex Products is a user-friendly formulation designed to remove graffiti and protect surfaces from future graffiti. It works to remove most types of graffiti and many stains from smooth, nonporous surfaces such as plastics, glass and metals. It removes marker, paint, pen, pencil, grease, tar, crayon, dirt and calcium buildup. In most cases, it will remove the graffiti in less than a minute on unpainted surfaces, according to the maker. It is sold in 1-, 5- and 55-gallon containers. Spray on the surface being cleaned. Allow a minute or two for it to work, and then use a Banish Pad or soft scrub brush to agitate the product on the surface to help the graffiti removal process. 800/338-3155;
Graffiti Removal - Walex Products Banish graffiti remover
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