One Service Route for This Texas Company is 350 Miles of Gravel Roads and Scrub Brush

With the addition of another established restroom company, the Pitts family provides a needed service over 60,000 square miles of open land.

One Service Route for This Texas Company is 350 Miles of Gravel Roads and Scrub Brush

The Pitts Stop Porta Pottys crew includes, from left, Robert Freeman, Roderick Jones, Amelia Modest, Leopodo Miranda, Charles Pitts, Mona Pitts, Taylor and Blake Pitts, J.C. Pitts, Eric Renfro, Helene Davis, Boyd Coudel, Ricky Velez, Amparo Robles and Willie McLemore. They have several restroom trailers from makers JAG Mobile Solutions, Advanced Containment Systems, Comforts of Home Services and Ameri-Can Engineering. (Photos by Jacie Gardner)

Almost a decade ago, J.C. Pitts came on board full-time at Pitts Stop Porta Pottys, the company his father, Charles “Crab” Pitts, founded in Brownwood, Texas, as a part-time gig back in 1983. By simply taking a different marketing approach — including establishing a Facebook...

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