Rustic Arizona Locations Are the Backdrop for Mark Chase and His Portable Sanitation Crew

Nomad RVers, rugged individualists, loners trying to get off the grid are common customers for the team at Cyclone Septic.

Rustic Arizona Locations Are the Backdrop for Mark Chase and His Portable Sanitation Crew

Mike Bolen, center, holds the hose while pumping a campground vault toilet in Williams, Arizona. A larger septic service truck is called on to pump the vault.

(Photos by Darnell Renee Crossley)


Mark Chase and his wife Trenna are the owners of Cyclone Septic, a septic service and portable sanitation company in Williams, Arizona (population 3,200), a town 60 miles south of the Grand Canyon and located on historic Route 66. Trenna handles the book work; her...

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