Eric and Sherry Storts Are Proud to Serve a Hometown Event that Draws 30,000 Daily Visitors

A huge Ohio flea market and antique show reveals the gems of clean restrooms and great service by Mr. Clean Port-A-Potties.

Eric and Sherry Storts Are Proud to Serve a Hometown Event that Draws 30,000 Daily Visitors

The Mr. Clean crew includes, from left, Tony Rozmus, Evan Storts, Eric Storts, Sherry Storts, Zach Storts, Cameron Doggett and Tim Naff. They are shown at the antique show and flea market. The company’s fleet comes from Robinson Vacuum Tanks, Advance Pump & Equipment, Best Enterprises and Imperial Industries. (Photos by J.D. Pooley)


Twice a year, a five-person crew from Mr. Clean Port-A-Potties heads out to the Clark County Fairgrounds in Springfield, a city located about 20 miles northeast of Dayton in west-central Ohio, for the Springfield Antique Show and Flea Market Extravaganza. The crew...

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